Sunday, April 21, 2013

Apr 20-21: Fun Times in London and Preparing for Budapest, Munich, and Prague!

Hello again! This will be my last post for about a week and a half, as I have a 9 day adventure beginning tomorrow: 3 days in Budapest, 3 days in Munich, and 3 days in Prague! I will be sure to take lots of pictures and write a large blog post about my travels when I return!
Before I get into updating you on my past few days I have this to share:
That's BC after the Marathon Monday bomber was caught. It's really great to see my fellow students celebrating the end of a terrifying week from abroad. I couldn't be prouder of the city of Boston, especially the Boston Police Department, for capturing the bomber alive. I'm glad the worst of this whole tragedy is over and that hopefully some answers lie ahead in the future.


Anyway, Katie and I took a fun walking day-trip around London yesterday our first day of "summer" (since we are both now officially done with junior year). Here are some pictures and captions to enjoy:
It was a beautiful day outside, easily the best we have had so far here. We headed into the famous London department store, Harrods, for some high-end (mostly window) shopping.
This place is nuts. 5 floors of insane commercial activity. Whatever you can think of buying, you can get the highest quality at Harrods. Of course, it isn't cheap. But it sure is fun to visit! This is the top of the Egyptian Escalator, a main series of escalators to each floor. Really, really cool scenery.
On balconies of the Egyptian Escaltor, sometimes performers come out to sing opera music for the thousands of shoppers moving around this enormous store. This is one of them, and she really had a great voice! Seriously, Harrods is insane! Some highlights for me included: The Food Courts, The Toy Kingdom, the Electronic section, and (easily Katie's favorite) the Pet Kingdom which had a bunch of live (and admittedly, adorable) puppies for sale. If you have a lot of money to spend, Harrods is definitely the place for you!
The ground floor of Harrods is mostly a series of high-quality food shops, groceries, and restaurants. Katie and I ate at the The Rotisserie and had some extremely tasty meat: I had BBQ ribs and she had a spit-roasted chicken. Yum!
After Harrods, Katie and I walked over to Hyde Park and enjoyed the lovely day we were lucky enough to have. This is the Serpentine, a man-made lake that highlights the park and makes for a relaxing and calm view. As you can see, there are many out on paddle-boats enjoying the lake.
There's also ducks and swans that float around scavenging for people ready to feed them bread. The guy next to me was doing that, so I got to see this little guy enjoy some lunch. Hyde Park was actually suprisingly packed on this particular Saturday, which was April 20th, or Four-Twenty, a stoner holiday that Katie and I realized was...well...being widely "celebrated" throughout the park. Don't worry Mom and Dad - we didn't join in on the "festivities". However, it certainly made for a hilarious realization upon walking through crowds of "high"-spirited Londoners.
After exiting multiple scenes from "Dazed and Confused" Hyde Park, we admired Marble Arch, another interesting London monument. We then spent the rest of the day walking down Oxford Street, then Regent Street, through Piccadilly and Leicester Square, finally over to Covent Garden for dinner at an excellent little Italian restaurant called Rossopomodoro. Here is our route for the entire day - quite a bit of walking!

It certainly is nice to be done with all of my schoolwork. Tomorrow, Katie and I will be on a plane to Budapest. Three days later, a train to Munich for Springfest (which we will be enjoying with BC friends and some of my buddies from high school!). Three days after that, we take a bus to Prague. After three days in Prague, we will return here to London on May 1st. I'll have a lot to share for then, so stay tuned!

Til then - Cheers!

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